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“Had you stood on the public square in the year 1802, you would have been on the summit of a pleasant hill sloping gently in all directions; also, you would have been standing in a virgin forest of stately oaks.  In that year some settlers looking for new frontiers settled on this spot and thus began our village of Columbiana.”


The Lutheran Church was officially formed in 1815 when the Lutherans and Reformed built a church house of logs at the site of the present day Grace Church in Columbiana.  The Lutherans decided to build a church of their own in 1867 and purchased land "on the edge of the wilderness" where the church stands today.  Services were held in German and English until 1923 when the German service was phased out.


Through the years the church experienced significant growth, which resulted in adding onto the original building in 1914 and eventually doing a large remodel project in 1951.  In 1967, an addition was made to the back of the church adding a new kitchen and more Sunday school rooms.


Some of the original stained glass windows from the first church were saved and used during the remodeling.  They are now located in the Pastor's office and the conference room.


JLC has had 26 Lutheran ministers since its inception. 



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2023 Jerusalem Lutheran Church

A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and a Member of the Northeast Ohio Synod

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